Sunday, May 3, 2015

No Name

Sometimes when I'm out shooting, I get overloaded with the opportunities of making images that I don't take the time to make a note of what it is I'm shooting. Here is a good example. I know this a is a prominent building downtown, but I don't know what the name of it is. If anyone can share with me what the name of this building is I would appreciate it.

Architect photography is highly technical in respect to the building and business of building them. I made this image hand held with my little Fuji X-T1 in the middle of a beautiful day.

I can appreciate great architect photography with the view cameras and heavy tripods. I think architect photographers represents some of the best photographers of our time.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Two Paths

I'm a firm believer in common denominators. That if something comes across your life two or thee times to the point where it's not a coincidence there might be a message there. One needs to be somewhat intuitively aware to see these signs when they arrive. When contemplating on something that I have no answer for, I'll hand it over and look for the Great Spirt to guide my way. This image represents a small sign. One path that leads to a brick wall and the other leads to a door. I did notice the door is closed, making me ask what is on the other side; I'll have to have faith. The chances of finding something like this if I were looking for it is slim to none. Yes, there are two paths, that's all I need to know for now.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Forward

It's Spring! It's nice to see everything coming to life, and it's beauty. This image is from Lee County, Deep River. As I was standing on the Deep River Historical bridge looking down the river and what caught my eye was the lines, form and texture. The green, back-lits with the winter fall colors gave me contemplation of the contrasting moment with a message of better days ahead.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Aging Beauty

Photo by Delores Davis
There is something to wine becoming fine over time. It's true some things do get better with age. I hope to be one of them. 

With an abandoned subject entropy creates apparent beauty. This Nash County building is for ruin. It's disappointing when a work of art exist in an not supported environment.

Delores made this image in Rocky Mount a couple of years ago. The red, green and blue are all complementary colors giving the texture context to the human emotional factor.

Images like this are all over the country. As photographers, I feel we have a responsibility to document these old buildings as much as possible as to pass down to generations telling the story of whence we came.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fallen Rebel

It's a concept that's difficult in this modern world to fully grasp, the idea of having war on our soil here in America.

I've been asked the last year or so to photograph national historical Civil War battlefields. Several of my images are published in the Hallowed Ground Magazine put out by the Civil War Trust. I am honored to provide an artistic view of how these places make me feel.  It's an eery feeling to be on a historical battlefield before the sun rises and experience the quietness of such places. I have a special place in my heart for everyone that was part of, or witnessed the Civil War.

Image of Henry Lawson Wyatt, an Edgecombe County teen, shot through the head on June 10, 1861. Later it was discovered he wasn't the first Rebel to fall. But Wyatt's backers pushed through and placed the statue, and he's received the credit ever since.

Check out the link to Hallowed Ground Magazine.
And I would love it if you would subscribe to my blog.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monument of Abundance

Exploring with Delores the other day, I made this image of one of my favorite landmarks in downtown Raleigh, the BB&T building. I have several friends that work in this giant.

The strong lines leading up to endless opportunity,post gives me the impression of a launching ramp for career rockets. For me, this is a Monument of Abundance.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Emerald Isle Pier

Image made on the beach of Emerald Isle. It was exciting because it was raining cats and dogs, and the wind was blowing hard. Delores had an umbrella over me and the camera. It wasn't a quick shot, after a few attempts at long exposure we caught this image. I love the way the water represents the location as the color is Emerald. Exactly what we were seeing when we were there.